Our Vision

To create a world that practices natural lifestyles.

Our Mission

  • To educate humanity to reach its full health potential through a sustainable social enterprise structure
  • By utilising the power of technology to empower, enable this potential

Our Culture

  • Businesses that put the interests of people and planet ahead of shareholder gain
  • Driven by a social/environmental mission and reinvesting profits into creating positive social change
  • Seeking to provide benefits to society and environment

Our Pledge

We Want To Encourage And Assist The Homeless. At Least 100 Individuals A Day, To Become Independent And Also Empower Them To Rebuild Their Lives. On This Basis, The Other Matching Services That Will Be Provided Include:

The rising number of homeless people especially in city areas in Malaysia is alarming. MAYI, in partnership with the Harmony on Earth organisation, envisions a humanitarian programme for those who are stranded in the streets. It is designed to not only provide medical and charitable support to these group of people, but also equip them with means to uplift themselves financially and socially.

It is tied to the new MAYI income structure, whereby members can contribute towards the running of the programme through a monthly contribution of a minimum of RM100 for at least nine months for packages. Team members will get plant-based supplements and health care products from MAYI.

With a target of 50,000 membership, we ensure the success of this CSR project for the homeless. With this number, MAYI hopes to secure a placeĀ  with the entire ground floor and first floor being allocated for the complete care of the homeless. Here, they can come over to take a bath, have their breakfast, medical needs taken care of by a team of volunteers consisting of doctors, lawyers, dentists, dieticians and so on